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Outcomes Over Goals

What are your outcomes for 2023?

 This year I decided to do things differently. For the last 7 years I created 10-12 goals using a great analog tool. It has a page to write down all of your goals to be easily seen. Each goal then has its own page where you write out a bunch of details. I used this tool religiously to create my goals.

Unfortunately, my goals became live New Year’s Resolutions. I worked hard on them for a few weeks, maybe even through the first quarter. But I would lose interest in my goals and the action I needed to take to achieve my goals.

When I began thinking about my goals for 2023, I realized my mindset was in the wrong place. I amped myself to set goals I did not necessarily believe in and would end up losing motivation. I would then get frustrated with myself with guilt and shame.

This year I decided to embrace what James Clear calls, “work backwards from magic.” I am focused on the outcomes I want for 2023. I asked myself these questions:

What do I want my life to look like on December 31, 2023?
Who do I want to be by December 31, 2023?
What do I want my health to look like by December 31, 2023?
What do I want my relationships to look like by December 31, 2023?

Then I spent time dreaming about my outcomes, who I want to be, what I want my life to look like. I set 5 goals. And these goals are about who I will become over the next year, not what I will achieve.

Who do you want to become this year? What magic do you want to create this year? I challenge you to focus on who you want to be and write your goals with that in mind.


Find Your Why; Live Your Purpose

Reconnect with who you want to be and how you want to live your life.

(Easy steps to take even when you have no time!)