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Sometimes All You Can See is the Next Step

Unclear path to our desination

To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep stepping. - Chinese Proverb

When I leave for work, I usually go through the garage where there is a light for the driveway. I clearly see my destination, my car, and the path to get there. The other morning I went out the front door and left the porch light off because I did not want it to say on all day. I saw my destination, my car, but I could not see the path to get there. I knew where the path was because I walked it hundreds of times before. However, I could not clearly see the path due to lack of light and so I was anxious about where I was going and concerned I might fall.

Life is often the same way. We know the destination. Whether it is to be healthier, to have deeper relationships or make a certain amount of money, we know our destination. However, the path to get there is not clear. We are unable to see the dangers along the path. We are unable to see the rock that might cause us to stumble. We may not see the need to take a detour because of an obstacle before us.

What do we do? How do we respond? In the past, I have chosen to stop and do nothing. I was too afraid to move forward because of the unknowns. Sometimes I chose a different path. Other times I saw my destination and I moved forward despite a clear path. I took one step in front of the other and made it to my destination. And still other times I had to find a different destination all together and look for a new path.

Where are you? Do you know your destination but not sure what to do next? Is the path unclear? Maybe you see the next step along the path, but cannot see the step afterwards.

One life,
one shot,
one chance,
take the risk,
or live in regret
 -Kylie Francis

Life is not a movie. There are no dress rehearsals. There are no do overs. There is only one take. With that in mind, take a step toward your destination. Often we see the next step towards our destination, but we cannot see the following step. That is okay! Take the next step. The following step will reveal itself as you move forward.

Where are you delayed in moving towards your destination because you feel you do not know the path? Take some time to answer these questions:

What is the next step?
What is keeping me from taking the next step?
What is the worst thing that could happen by taking this step?
What is the best thing that could happen by taking this step?

Take time to evaluate why you are not moving forward.

However, take the step. Take massive IMPERFECT action. That is the only way you will reach your destination.


Find Your Why; Live Your Purpose

Reconnect with who you want to be and how you want to live your life.

(Easy steps to take even when you have no time!)